Worship/Holy Eucharist and Morning Prayer/ High Holy Days
One of the primary ways to grow as a teaching and learning community of faith is through corporate and individual acts of worship. All members are included during these times together; interfaith presentations are integrated into the community gatherings. Learning from each other’s faith traditions is part of the Episcopal tradition and each person’s conscience is respected. During the school year, Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist Rite II from The Book of Common Prayer are offered. Holy Communion is the sacred meal that celebrates sacrifice and love. Unique holy days throughout the year including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Christmas, Advent, Lent, Passover and Easter are honored. Often religious holy days from various traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam are also shared. Discovering each other’s sacred times and traditions helps each person develop respect for others and his or her own spiritual depth.